PLBM Games, 1996- Publisher:
- PLBM Games
- Developer:
- PLBM Games
- Release year:
- 1996
- Category:
- Classic
- License:
- Playable Demo
- Language:
- English
The object of Viper is to maneuver your snake around the play grid, avoiding the walls, avoiding biting your own body, and at the same time gobbling up the various treasures that appear at regular intervals.
Game controls:
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down
P - Pause game
J - Toggle joystick on/off
CtrlJ - Calibrate joystick
F1 - Help
F2 - Display high score chart
F5 - Toggle sound on/off
F6 - Adjust game speed (Fast, Medium, Slow, Snail's Pace)
F7 - Lengthen your Viper (for advanced players!!)
ShiftF7 - Lengthen your Viper by 100 links (faster than F7 alone)
F10 - Quit game, go to menu
ESC - Quit game, go to DOS
Rating & comments:
Not rated yet