PLBM Games, 2004- Publisher:
- PLBM Games
- Developer:
- PLBM Games
- Release year:
- 2004
- Category:
- Classic
- License:
- Shareware
- Language:
- English
Galaxi is a Shareware Classic game published by PLBM Games in 2004.
Game controls:
- Left
- Right
P - Pause the game (P or enter to restart)
J - Toggle joystick on/off
CtrlJ - Calibrate joystick
F1 - Review help
F2 - Display high score chart
F4 - Toggle frame dropping (for slower computers only)
F5 - Toggle sound on/off
F10 - Quit game, go to menu
ESC - Quit game, go to DOS
Rating & comments:
Not rated yet